3D Game Programming All in One
3D Game Programming All in One Disc.iso
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// Projectile trail emitter
datablock ParticleData(TommyGunSmoke)
textureName = "~/data/particles/smoke";
dragCoeffiecient = 0.0;
gravityCoefficient = -0.2; // rises
inheritedVelFactor = 0.00;
lifetimeMS = 300; // time in ms
lifetimeVarianceMS = 150; // ...more or less
useInvAlpha = false;
spinRandomMin = -30.0;
spinRandomMax = 30.0;
colors[0] = "0 0.2 1 1.0";
colors[1] = "0 0.2 1 1.0";
colors[2] = "0 0 0 0";
sizes[0] = 0.25;
sizes[1] = 0.4;
sizes[2] = 0.6;
times[0] = 0.0;
times[1] = 0.3;
times[2] = 1.0;
datablock ParticleEmitterData(TommyGunSmokeEmitter)
ejectionPeriodMS = 10;
periodVarianceMS = 5;
ejectionVelocity = 0.25;
velocityVariance = 0.10;
thetaMin = 0.0;
thetaMax = 90.0;
particles = TommyGunsmoke;
// Weapon fire emitter
datablock ParticleData(TommyGunFireParticle)
textureName = "~/data/particles/smoke";
dragCoeffiecient = 0.0;
gravityCoefficient = -0.1; // rises
inheritedVelFactor = 0.3;
lifetimeMS = 200; // Time in ms
lifetimeVarianceMS = 50; // ...more or less
useInvAlpha = false;
spinRandomMin = -30.0;
spinRandomMax = 30.0;
colors[0] = "1 0.6 1 1.0";
colors[1] = "1 1 1 1.0";
colors[2] = "1 0 0 0";
sizes[0] = 0.1;
sizes[1] = 0.4;
sizes[2] = 0.6;
times[0] = 0.0;
times[1] = 0.3;
times[2] = 1.0;
datablock ParticleEmitterData(TommyGunFireEmitter)
ejectionPeriodMS = 30;
periodVarianceMS = 5;
ejectionVelocity = 2;
ejectionOffset = 0.1;
velocityVariance = 0.10;
thetaMin = 0.0;
thetaMax = 10.0;
particles = TommyGunFireParticle;
// Projectile Explosion
datablock ParticleData(TommyGunExplosionParticle)
dragCoefficient = 2;
gravityCoefficient = 0.2;
inheritedVelFactor = 0.2;
constantAcceleration = 0.0;
lifetimeMS = 250;
lifetimeVarianceMS = 50;
textureName = "~/data/particles/smoke";
colors[0] = "0.2 0.2 0.2 1.0";
colors[1] = "0.2 0.2 0.2 0.0";
sizes[0] = 0.1;
sizes[1] = 0.05;
datablock ParticleEmitterData(TommyGunExplosionEmitter)
ejectionPeriodMS = 7;
periodVarianceMS = 0;
ejectionVelocity = 1;
velocityVariance = 1.0;
ejectionOffset = 0.0;
thetaMin = 0;
thetaMax = 60;
phiReferenceVel = 0;
phiVariance = 360;
overrideAdvances = false;
particles = "TommyGunExplosionParticle";
datablock ExplosionData(TommyGunExplosion)
//explosionShape = "~/data/shapes/weapons/explosion.dts";
particleEmitter = TommyGunExplosionEmitter;
particleDensity = 10;
particleRadius = 0.1;
faceViewer = true;
explosionScale = ".2 .2 .2";
shakeCamera = false;
camShakeFreq = "10.0 11.0 10.0";
camShakeAmp = "1.0 1.0 1.0";
camShakeDuration = 0.5;
camShakeRadius = 10.0;
// Projectile Object
datablock ProjectileData(TommyGunProjectile)
projectileShapeName = "~/data/shapes/weapons/tgprojectile.dts";
directDamage = 15;
radiusDamage = 5;
damageRadius = 0.7;
explosion = TommyGunExplosion;
// particleEmitter = TommyGunSmokeEmitter;
muzzleVelocity = 700;
velInheritFactor = 1;
armingDelay = 0;
lifetime = 2500;
fadeDelay = 1500;
bounceElasticity = 0;
bounceFriction = 0;
isBallistic = true;
gravityMod = 0.10;
hasLight = true;
lightRadius = 6.0;
lightColor = "0.2 0.2 0.2";
function TommyGunProjectile::onCollision(%this,%obj,%col,%fade,%pos,%normal)
// Apply damage to the object all shape base objects
if (%col.getType() & $TypeMasks::ShapeBaseObjectType)
// Radius damage is a support scripts defined in radiusDamage.cs
// Ammo Item
datablock ItemData(TommyGunAmmo)
// Mission editor category
category = "Ammo";
// Add the Ammo namespace as a parent. The ammo namespace provides
// common ammo related functions and hooks into the inventory system.
className = "Ammo";
// Basic Item properties
shapeFile = "~/data/shapes/weapons/tgammo.dts";
mass = 0.5;
elasticity = 0.2;
friction = 0.4;
// Dynamic properties defined by the scripts
pickUpName = ".45 Cal ammo";
maxInventory = 30;
// TommyGun shell that's ejected during reload.
datablock DebrisData(TommyGunShell)
shapeFile = "~/data/shapes/weapons/tgshell.dts";
lifetime = 3.0;
minSpinSpeed = 300.0;
maxSpinSpeed = 400.0;
elasticity = 0.5;
friction = 0.2;
numBounces = 4;
staticOnMaxBounce = true;
snapOnMaxBounce = false;
fade = true;
// Weapon Item. This is the item that exists in the world, i.e. when it's
// been dropped, thrown or is acting as re-spawnable item. When the weapon
// is mounted onto a shape, the TommyGunImage is used.
datablock ItemData(TommyGun)
// Mission editor category
category = "Weapon";
// Hook into Item Weapon class hierarchy. The weapon namespace
// provides common weapon handling functions in addition to hooks
// into the inventory system.
className = "Weapon";
// Basic Item properties
shapeFile = "~/data/shapes/weapons/TommyGun.dts";
mass = 1.5;
elasticity = 0.1;
friction = 0.9;
emap = true;
// Dynamic properties defined by the scripts
pickUpName = "a sub-machinegun";
image = TommyGunImage;
function TommyGunImage::onFire(%this, %obj, %slot)
%projectile = %this.projectile;
// Decrement inventory ammo. The image's ammo state is update
// automatically by the ammo inventory hooks.
// Determin initial projectile velocity based on the
// gun's muzzle point and the object's current velocity
%muzzleVelocity = %obj.getMuzzleVector(%slot);
%objectVelocity = %obj.getVelocity();
%velocity = VectorAdd(
VectorScale(%muzzleVelocity, %projectile.muzzleVelocity),
VectorScale(%objectVelocity, %projectile.velInheritFactor));
// Create the projectile object
%p = new (%this.projectileType)() {
dataBlock = %projectile;
initialVelocity = %velocity;
initialPosition = %obj.getMuzzlePoint(%slot);
sourceObject = %obj;
sourceSlot = %slot;
client = %obj.client;
return %p;